Saturday, August 31, 2019

Further Reflections on the Public Sphere Essay

The text is about relationship of state and civil society, the origins of and prospects for democracy and the impact of the media. A kind of rethinking of Habermas’ first major work, The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere published in 1962 and translated into English in 1989 which describes the development of a bourgeois public sphere in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries as well as its subsequent decline. Habermas admits, his theory has changed since then and he reminds readers of these changes. 1.The Genesis and Concept of the Bourgeois Public Sphere The public sphere (Ãâ€"ffentlichkeit ) is an area in social life (standing in-between private individuals and government authorities) where individuals can meet to freely discuss public matters, exchanged views and knowledge and through that discussion influence political action. A vibrant public sphere serves as a positive counterweight to government authorities (are out of the state control) and happens physically in face-to-face meetings in coffee houses and public squares as well as in books, theatre etc. The public sphere emerged first in Britain and in the 18th century in Continental Europe. The newspapers, reading rooms, freemasonry lodges and coffeehouses marked the gradual emergence of the public sphere. Habermas mentions Geoff Eley’s objection to his earlier depiction of bourgeois public sphere is an idealized conception. Habermas admits now the coexistence of several competing public spheres and groups, that were excluded form the dominant public sphere – the so called „plebianâ€Å" public sphere (like Jacobins, Chartist movement). Habermas influenced here by Guenter Lottes and greatly by Mikhail Bakhtin, who opened his eyes to the culture of common people as a violent counter project to the dominant public sphere. Habermas now views quite differently the exclusion of women as well. Habermas asks himself – were women excluded from the dominant public sphere in the same fashion as the common people? He answers himself with „noâ€Å" – the exclusion of women had structuring significance, as it was happening not only in the public sphere, but also in the private sphere. At the end of this chapter Habermas summons up: his bourgeois public sphere was formerly conceived too rigidly. In fact, from the very beginning a dominant bourgeois public collided with a plebeian (and female) one. As a result, the contrast between the early public sphere and the today’s decayed public sphere is no longer so deep. 2.The Structural Transformations of the Public Sphere: Three Revisions This chapter traces the transition from the liberal bourgeois public sphere to the modern mass society of the social welfare state. Starting in the 1830s, a transformation of state and economy took shape. Clear borderlines between public and private and between state and society became blurred, as a result of interventionist state policies. The increasing re-integration and entwining (mà ­senà ­ se) of state and society resulted in the modern social welfare state. In the subchapter 1 Habermas deals with the impact of these developments on the private sphere. Civil society was formerly totally private, there was no difference between social and family life. This changes with the emancipation of lower strata (workers), a polarization of social and intimate sphere arrives. Habermas describes a dispute among two schools in the 1950s, that of conservative Carl Schmitt school (and Ernst Fortshoff) and Marxist Wolfgang Abendroth, that influenced his considerations at that time, though today he distances himself from his approach. In the subchapter 2 Habermas is concerned with changes in the structure of the public sphere and in the composition and behavior of the public. The infrastructure of the public sphere has changed due to changes in media, advertising and literature that has become oriented to new social groups (workers) as well as due to the collapse of the liberal associational life. Since the 1960s, when Habermas book was published, the opportunities for access to public communication became even more difficult. The public sphere is today dominated by the mass media., which turned the critical public into a passive consumer public and caused a decay of the public sphere. Nevertheless, Habermas says his old concept of a unilinear development from a „culture-debating to a culture-consuming publicâ€Å" was too simplistic and pessimistic. Habermas explains this by general situation of media effects studies at that time – he relied on Lazarsfeld’s behavioristic research and had no information brought later by Stuart Hall (audience does not simply passively accept a text). Subchapter 3 deals with the legitimation process of mass democracy and two diverging concepts of public opinion – an informal, nonpublic opinion and a formal quasi public opinion (made by mass media), that often collide. 3.A Modified Theoretical Framework The mass democracies constituted as social-welfare states can continue the principles of the liberal constitutional state only as long as they try to live up to the mandate of a public sphere that fulfills political functions. It is necessary to demonstrate how it may be possible for the public to set in motion a critical process of public communication. Habermas asks himself, weather there can emerge a general interest of the kind to which a public opinion can refer to as a criterion. Habermas could not resolve this problem before. Today he is able to reformulate the question and give an answer. The ideals of bourgeois humanism function today as a utopian vision, which makes it tempting to idealize the bourgeois public sphere too much. Therefore Habermas suggests the foundations of the critical theory of society be laid at a deeper level and beyond the threshold of modern societies. In the 1960s Habermas believed that society and its self-organization was a totality (celek) controlling all spheres of its life. This notion has become implausible today – e.g. economic system of a society is regulated independently through markets. Later emerged his dual concept of society – the internal subjective viewpoint of the â€Å"lifeworld† and the external viewpoint of the â€Å"system†. The aim today as he sees it is to erect a dam against an encroachment (naruÃ… ¡ovà ¡nà ­) of system on the lifeworld, to reach a balance between the social-integrative power of solidarity (lifeworld) and money + administrative power (system). Communicative action serves to transmit and renew cultural knowledge, in a process of achieving mutual understandings. It then coordinates action towards social integration and solidarity. This can be met in traditional societies. Less often in posttraditional societies with their confused pluralism of various competing forms of life. Habermas criticizes Rousseau for his utopian concept of the general will of citizens in a democracy as a „consensus of hearts rather than of argumentsâ€Å". Habermas sees the solution in the process of public communication itself. Therefore democracy is rooted in public reasoning among equal citizens. State institutions are legitimate only when they establish a framework for free public deliberation (debata). Such a rational debate is the most suitable procedure for resolving moral-practical questions as well. The question remains how such a debate can be institutionalized so that it bridges the gap between self-interest and orientation to the common good (between the roles of client (private) and citizen (public)). Such a debate must meet two preconditions: presumption of impartiality and ability to transcend initial preferences. These conditions must be guaranteed by legal procedures (institutionalized) and they themselves shall be subject to the law. New institutions should be considered, that would counteract the trend toward the transmutation of citizens into clients (i.e. toward alienation of citizens from the political process). Democracy shall be not restricted only to state institutional arrangements. They shall interplay with autonomous networks and groups with a spontaneous flow of communication, that are the one remaining embodiment of the altogether dispersed sovereignty of the people. Democratic public life cannot develop where matters of public importance are not discussed by citizens. However, discourses do not govern – the responsibility for practically consequential decisions must be based in an institution. 4.Civil Society or Political Public Sphere Political public sphere is characterized by two processes: 1) the communicative generation of legitimate power 2) manipulative power of mass media. A public sphere need more than just state institutions – it requires a populace accustomed to freedom and the supportive spirit of differentially organized lifeworlds with their critical reflection and spontaneous communication – voluntary unions outside the realm of the state and the economy (church, independent media, leisure clubs etc.) They are not part of the system, but they have a political impact, as was seen in totalitarian regimes, e.g. in the communist states of Eastern and Central Europe. In Western-type democracies these associations are established within the institutional framework of the state. Habermas asks himself the question, to what extent such a public sphere dominated by mass media can bring about any changes. This can be answered only by means of empirical research. He concludes with reference to a study No Sense of Place by J.Meyrowitz, who claims that electronic media dissolve social structures and boundaries (like in primitive societies). Habermas disagrees – new roles and constraints arise in the process of using electronic communication.

Effects of Online Games to the Students Essay

As time passes by, technology continues to evolve. Because of technology, new things were created that sustains and lightens human work. Computers were created because of technology. Computers were the greatest thing ever invented by man itself. In the modern age, computers have become a part of man’s life. Almost all the things around us were made by computers with the aid of modern machines. From the edited books, design, special effects in movies, and televisions etc., were all made by computers. Along with the evolution of technology, computers continue to upgrade as well until the time that computer has now become a part of man’s everyday life that are hooked to computers. Computers can now edit documents to your PC, play mini games, search information you need using the internet, save documents to your PC and play online games. It’s like an all-in-one gadget that can do all the things you want anytime you need it. From 1990 to the present year, online games had a big impact to us especially teenagers. Online games have many genres, including FPS games, MMORPG, Casual games and multiplayer games. A game will become an online game if it involves in using a computer or a series of computers with one player in each computer to battle it out with other players using the Internet depending on the game genre. Games have always been a popular pastime, but with the advent of computer games they have become even more pervasive. Despite all this progress, we may still stop and ask what makes a game. Because computer games are a subset of games, everything we can say about games in general applies also to them. Nevertheless, computer games are also computer programs, and, therefore, lessons learnt in software construction can be applied to them. A third perspective to computer games is subjective and it concerns finding out what features the players expect from a computer game. A dictionary defines ‘game’ as ‘a universal form of recreation generally including any activity engaged in for diversion or amusement and often establishing a situation that involves a contest or rivalry. A computer game is carried out with the help of a computer program. This definition leaves us some leeway, since it does not implicate that the whole game takes place in the computer. For example, a game of Chess can be played on the screen or on a real-world board, regardless whether the opponent is a computer program The world of online gaming is basically all about community. Gaming has gained such popularity that it could now be considered as practically mandatory. Being great and skilled at playing these video games gives individuals several social benefits. Gaming communities have proven to be powerful, profitable, and at the same time, very fragile. Based on studies and research conducted, gaming has become one of fastest growing in the entertainment sector. It has surpassed the achievements of full-length films, revenue-wise. Gaming is truly a social activity and the mere act of playing games has been directly linked in the establishment of relationships as well as social hierarchies throughout history. Games could be engrossing for many different reasons. Online games or video games are those that could be played over some kind of computer games to those games that incorporate complex computer graphics with virtual worlds that are populated by a lot of players simultaneously. A lot of the video games today have their own associated online communities and these make online games a true social activity that goes beyond the single player games. Online gaming has really made it mark, being an innovative feature of the Internet which would surely be staying and developing in the many, many years to come. In the past, only those who were willing to spend expensive fees and put up with a hard setup process made up online gaming communities. Today, though, a lot of people are getting into, even the younger generation, which raises some negative implications as well on its effect on students. Background of the Study Development of technology brought many things that people do not have many years back. One of those things was online gaming that was provided by the internet. Online Gaming is one of the widely used leisure activities by many people. Teenagers who were playing these online games said that they were playing online games just for fun, to keep away from the heat of the sun, without knowing that there were a lot of effects of playing these games that are more than what they think. Playing online games enabled the mind of the players to be more active, especially those puzzled based-games. It helps the players to come up with decision tight situations, especially those adventure games that kept the players to be alert, active and strategic. Playing online games made the players experience different feelings because it was as if the players really are the one taking the challenges. Despite those benefits, playing online games also brought negative effects, it requires much of the playerâ €™s time, leaving school activities and homework unattended. The Internet has pervaded our society rapidly. It has been major means of communication, used for the exchange of information, for news and for shopping, and now one of the most popular online contents is the game. Online gaming was mainly concentrating on gaming over the internet, where an amount of money is bet on the prospect of a player or group of players winning. Those types of games were usually referred to by the websites as games of skill, and include chess, backgammon and solitaires. Online gaming is a technology rather than a genre, a mechanism for connecting players together rather than a particular pattern of game play. Online games are played over some form of computer network, now typically on the Internet. Some of the advantages of playing online games are, the ability to connect to multiplayer games, although single-player online games are quite common as well, and the ability to build the confidence of the individual in the game that they have used to play. Some of the disadvantages also on playing online games were; the students may be too much hooked on this game and may have insufficient time to study their lessons that their teachers taught them. In the year 2008, most high school students have played a lot of online gaming, and it is very popular. Online games were inspired by video games. The first video and computer games, such as NIMROD (1951), OXO (1952), and Space war! (1961) were for one or two players sitting at a single computer which was being used only to play the game. Later in the 1960s, computers began to support time-sharing, which allowed multiple users to share use of a computer simultaneously. Systems of computer terminals were created allowing users to operate the computer from a different room than where the computer was housed. Soon after, Modem links further expanded this range so that users did not have to be in the same building as the computer; terminals could connect to their host computers via dial-up or leased telephone lines. With the increased remote access, â€Å"host based† games were created, in which users on remote systems connected to a central computer to play single-player, and soon after, multiplayer games. Online games can give us positive effects and benefits to us students, but on the contrary we notice that the students spend more time in playing online games rather than it in such a productive way. Online gaming is an emotionally draining and time-consuming activity. To create more time for the computer, gaming addicts neglect sleep, diet, exercise, hobbies, and socializing. They let their own health go as they do not get the proper rest and nutrition they need. They may suffer a number of health problems from back strain, eye strain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and repetitive stress injury. In this study, sophomore students of College of Business in Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) are the respondents. We chose them as our respondents because we see that most of them are addicted in online games. They are given an opportunity to answer and evaluate themselves whether they can handle playing online games and at the same time can do other important activities. It is for the reason that we are interested in taking a more serious look in the effects of online games particularly to the sophomore students of Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) who are the role models of freshmen students. Theoretical Framework Game theory is a study of strategic decision making. More formally, it is â€Å"the study of mathematical models of conflict and cooperation between intelligent rational decision-makers.† An alternative term suggested â€Å"as a more descriptive name for the discipline† is interactive decision theory. Game theory is mainly used in economics, political science, and psychology, as well as logic and biology. The subject first addressed zero-sum games, such that one person’s gains exactly equal net losses of the other participant(s). Today, however, game theory applies to a wide range of class relations, and has developed into an umbrella term for the logical side of science, to include both human and non-humans, like computers. Classic uses include a sense of balance in numerous games, where each person has found or developed a tactic that cannot successfully better his results, given the other approach. Early discussions of examples of two-person games occurred long before the rise of modern, mathematical game theory. The first known discussion of game theory occurred in a letter written by James Waldegrave in 1713. In this letter, Waldegrave provides a minimax mixed strategy solution to a two-person version of the card game le her. James Madison made what we now recognize as a game-theoretic analysis of the ways states can be expected to behave under different systems of taxation. In his 1838 Recherches sur les principes mathà ©matiques de la thà ©orie des richesses (Researches into the Mathematical Principles of the Theory of Wealth), Antoine Augustin Cournot considered a duopoly and presents a solution that is a restricted version of the Nash equilibrium. The Danish mathematician Zeuthen proved that the mathematical model had a winning strategy by using Brouwer’s fixed point theorem. In his 1938 book Applications aux Jeux de Hasard and earlier notes, Émile Borel proved a minimax theorem for two-person zero-sum matrix games only when the pay-off matrix was symmetric. Borel conjectured that non-existence of mixed-strategy equilibria in two-person zero-sum games would occur, a conjecture that was proved false. Game theory did not really exist as a unique field until John von Neumann published a paper in 1928. Von Neumann’s original proof used Brouwer’s fixed-point theorem on continuous mappings into compact convex sets, which became a standard method in game theory and mathematical economics. His paper was followed by his 1944 book Theory of Games and Economic Behaviour. The second edition of this book provided an axiomatic theory of utility, which reincarnated Daniel Bernoulli’s old theory of utility (of the money) as an independent discipline. Von Neumann’s work in game theory culminated in this 1944 book. This foundational work contains the method for finding mutually consistent solutions for two-person zero-sum games. During the following time period, work on game theory was primarily focused on cooperative game theory, which analyse optimal strategies for groups of individuals, presuming that they can enforce agreements between them about proper strategies. In 1950, the first mathematical discussion of the prisoner’s dilemma appeared, and an experiment was undertaken by notable mathematicians Merrill M. Flood and Melvin Dresher, as part of the RAND corporation’s investigations into game theory. Rand pursued the studies because of possible applications to global nuclear strategy. Around this same time, John Nash developed a criterion for mutual consistency of players’ strategies, known as Nash equilibrium, applicable to a wider variety of games than the criterion proposed by von Neumann and Morgenstern. This equilibrium is sufficiently general to allow for the analysis of non-cooperative games in addition to cooperative ones. Game theory experienced a flurry of activity in the 1950s, during which time the concepts of the core, the extensive form game, fictitious play, repeated games, and the Shapley value were developed. In addition, the first applications of Game theory to philosophy and political science occurred during this time. In 1965, Reinhard Selten introduced his solution concept of sub game perfect equilibria, which further refined the Nash equilibrium. In 1967, John Harsanyi developed the concepts of complete information and Bayesian games. Nash, Selten and Harsanyi became Economics Nobel Laureates in 1994 for their contributions to economic game theory. In the 1970s, game theory was extensively applied in biology, largely as a result of the work of John Maynard Smith and his evolutionarily stable strategy. In addition, the concepts of correlated equilibrium, trembling hand perfection, and common knowledge were introduced and analysed. In 2005, game theorists Thomas Schelling and Robert Aumann followed Nash, Selten and Harsanyi as Nobel Laureates. Schelling worked on dynamic models, early examples of evolutionary game theory. Aumann contributed more to the equilibrium school, introducing an equilibrium coarsening, correlated equilibrium, and developing an extensive formal analysis of the assumption of common knowledge and of its consequences. In 2007, Leonid Hurwicz, together with Eric Maskin and Roger Myerson, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics â€Å"for having laid the foundations of mechanism design theory.† Myerson’s contributions include the notion of proper equilibrium, and an important graduate text: Game Theory, Analysis of Conflict (Myerson 1997). Hurwicz introduced and formalized the concept of incentive compatibility. Modern game theory began with the idea regarding the existence of mixed-strategy equilibria in two-person zero-sum games and its proof by John von Neumann. Von Neumann’s original proof used Brouwer’s fixed-point theorem on continuous mappings into compact convex sets, which became a standard method in game theory and mathematical economics. His paper was followed by his 1944 book Theory of Games and Economic Behaviour, with Oskar Morgenstern, which considered cooperative games of several players. The second edition of this book provided an axiomatic theory of expected utility, which allowed mathematical statisticians and economists to treat decision-making under uncertainty. This theory was developed extensively in the 1950s by many scholars. Game theory was later explicitly applied to biology in the 1970s, although similar developments go back at least as far as the 1930s. Game theory has been widely recognized as an important tool in many fields. Eight game-theorists have won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, and John Maynard Smith was awarded the Crafoord Prize for his application of game theory to biology. Game theory, is a branch of applied mathematics that provides tools for analysing situations in which parties, called players, make decisions that are interdependent. This interdependence causes each player to consider the other player’s possible decisions, or strategies, in formulating his own strategy. A solution to a game describes the optimal decisions of the players, who may have similar, opposed, or mixed interests, and the outcomes that may result from these decisions. Although game theory can be and has been used to analyze parlour games, its applications are much broader. In fact, game theory was originally developed by the Hungarian-born American mathematician John von Neumann (

Friday, August 30, 2019

John Locke on Property Essay

Natural reason suggests that human beings have the right to preserve themselves the moment they are born. An individual can utilize everything that he sees around him to preserve himself. He can drink if he is thirsty; he can eat if he is hungry. Nature, which God gave to the world, is the individual’s source of materials for his preservation. Locke emphasized that the world was given to the whole humanity by God. This, for Locke, is nothing but common knowledge (Locke 11). Locke questions how an individual can actually own a thing. He finds it difficult to understand why, when God has given the Earth to His children, men would search for things on earth and label it as their own. Since it is difficult to find a part of the Earth which an individual can own and call it his â€Å"property†, then the only easy way to solve this dilemma is to have the world owned by a universal monarch. This, then, would only be possible upon the belief that Adam owns the world because god gave it to him. As Adam has the world, it also means that his heirs own the world, too (Locke 11). Since this clearly is not the case in today’s world and in today’s society, Locke promises that he will explain how an individual claim a part of what God has given mankind, and that, with no single express compact of all people (Locke 11). As God has given mankind a whole world, it also means that along with this, He has given mankind a reason to use this world to their convenience and best advantage. The world are has everything that a man needs to survive. It has air, water, food and shelter. It contains that things that an individual needs to live a comfortable life. Whatever is found in this world all help in supporting the life of an individual (Locke 13). Although the food found on earth, including the animals or the predators that feed on them, are all qualified as properties of mankind (since nature produces all them), the fact alone that they are included as part of the earth means that even the predators are necessary for the survival of mankind – even when these beasts harm the quality of living of an individual. There will always be a way for a man to know how a harmful beast may help him. Whatever way this is, he has yet to figure out, but the fact remains that a harmful beast is indeed beneficial since it is a part of the world that God gave him (Locke 14). For Locke, the meat and the fruit which an individual feeds on are both considered occupants of the earth. No other individual will have the right to own that particular meat or particular fruit before it can support his life. No one has a right to something if the benefits are yet undiscovered (Ishay 116). The earth is indeed common to all the people living in it – to all its occupants. Then again, each individual has a property of his own. He is the only person who can practice his rights on that certain thing since he is the only person owning it. His hands do the working. His body does the laboring. Because of all these, whatever he produces rightfully becomes his property. Whatever thing nature has provided, which he, in turn, takes away from the state, becomes his property, as soon as he mixes his labor with it. Whatever it is that he takes away from the state which was placed there because of nature eliminates the right of other men, as long as he was able to own it through his hardships and labor (Ishay 116). Labor is indeed an important factor in this case, since labor is something that mankind cannot question. Labor is the unquestionable property of the man who is laboring. The man laboring is the only man who has the right to his products (Ishay 116). Whoever is being supported and benefited by the fruits of his labor has definitely appropriated these fruits for him. The question of Locke now, is when exactly did this fruit became his own? If, for example, an individual harvests the apple that came from the tree he himself planted, when exactly did he own the apple? Was it from the time when he digested the apple, since it is believed that as he is nourished by the fruit of his labor, he can start calling this his own? Or was it from the time when he picked the apples from the tree (Ishay 117)? What marks the difference between the common man and himself is labor. Labor defines what nature cannot. If an individual makes use of what nature has given him, and he, in turn, starts to benefit from it, then he owns the fruit. The man is able to own things as he extends what a nature can do to support his life. Here is where the concept of private right comes in (Ishay 118). Another dilemma is realized from this perspective, since will one not have a right to that apple which he appropriated for himself if mankind did not allow him to? Does he need the consent of other men to make the apple his property? Would this be considered robbery, since whatever is found on this earth is a property of all men (Boaz 123)? Then again, John Locke argued that consent from other men is not even necessary in the first place. If an individual always waits for a go-signal from other men so that he can start owning and eating an apple, then he will end up being starved. What is common in mankind, or common in â€Å"commoners†, is the act of taking something away from this world to make it his property. Nature leaves something in the state, and commoners remove it out from there. As an individual removes it from the state, it starts to be his property. Without such property, then the individual will be of no use to the world. Taking something which an individual may consider his property is not dependent on whether or not commoners will allow him to (Boaz 123). The grass is in the lands to be eaten by a horse. A servant sees a turf which he may cut. All people can see ores, and all of them have right to the meat. An individual can do everything that he can, and thus exhibit acts of labor, to produce something that can benefit him. As a product of his labor, his prize is to own it as its property. He does not need to consult other men; more so, need their consent. The moment an individual removes something from the state is already a manifestation of a labor being enacted. There is a struggle, a difficulty, and an action taking place as an individual takes something away from the state. From this point exactly, an individual owns a thing (Boaz 123). John Locke’s main argument when he said that property is prior to the political state; he was referring to the law of reason. This law is what makes the deer a proper of an Indian, only if this Indian went his way into killing the deer. Once he exerted effort and enacted labor into killing the deer, then he has every right to eat the deer. The deer used to be a property of the world, and of everyone. Killing it is also a right of every person. Then again, whoever has the reason to go first and bestow his energy, labor and power to kill the deer, is the same person who owns the meat. Reason is what defines a person’s property, according to John Locke. Whatever it is that is found in this earth is a property of everyone, and everyone has the right to owning it. Then, again, labor, when fueled with reason, is what makes and what allows a person to own something and start calling it his property (Boaz 124). For John Locke, it is effortless to imagine and think how labor can start and prescribe a person’s property, considering the fact and the supposed challenge that may be faced since this property used to be a property of all mankind, and this property of mankind is coming from nature – the nature itself being an entity that belongs to everyone. The limits of a property are defined by how we spend it. For John Locke, arguments and conflicts regarding property and owndership may be eliminated if we see things his way (Boaz 125). Through John Locke’s view in property, he suggests that convenience and right go along together. He has his right which is his reason enough to employ his labor on a property common to mankind. Once he goes through challenges to own it to his convenience, then there should be no room left for conflict and quarrel. Whoever went his way to experience challenges just to reap what he saw, has every right to own the fruits of his labor (Boaz 126). Works Cited Boaz, David. The Libertarian Reader: Classic and Contemporary Readings from Lao-tzu to Milton Friedman. Free Press, 1998. Ishay, Micheline. The Human Rights Reader: Major Political Essays, Speeches, and Documents from Ancient Times to the Present. CRC Press, 2007. Locke, John. Two Treatises of Government. Kessinger Publishing, 2004.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Implications of ignored behavioral problems Assignment

Implications of ignored behavioral problems - Assignment Example Teachers get frustrated when all their teaching efforts get countered by these ignored, unsolved behavioral problems. In some extreme cases some teachers simply lose interest in making things right. This occurs as a result of lose of morale, and gets depicted by the quality of teaching services offered which is likely to be poor. They often fail to take an interest in the character details of their students. Before one knows it, the students’ unruly behavior has spiraled out of control. Problematic character is not conducive in any educational setting and hinders effective learning and teaching (Jenson, 2002). Both teachers and parents are charged with the responsibility of guiding students’ behavior. When in school, teachers get expected to outline to the students what gets viewed as appropriate and inappropriate character. However, when the students are at home, their parents get expected to maintain the same standards of behavior upheld in the schools. Persistent behavioral problems create tension between teachers, parents and the administration. The blame game that is usually involved is the manifestation of the tension. Tension between education stakeholders also affects the education environment (Jenson, 2002). Ignoring behavioral problems will more often than not lead to the progression into fully blown negative traits that inform moral decadence (Jenson, 2002). A look into the character of people who get considered as harmful to society usually reveals traces of behavioral problems in early life stages that went

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Wal-mart Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Wal-mart - Essay Example Such political opposition emanates mostly from community members who raises economic concerns related to the largest retail store company expansion. The inherent politics reflects constant concerns that mainly results from Walmart’s negligence and insensitivity to corporate concerns besides market dominance. Though the opposition may arguably result from local political pressures, partial contribution of unjust interference and violation of business rights exists. Every company would wish to expand and make profit. Any interference against such expansion is unfair and violates their rights. Though Walmart’s expansion remains a genuine business objective, opponents of such success presents valid concerns. Continual expansion of Walmart have assuredly caused various consumption issues amongst consumers. Expansion of Walmart have reduced consumers’ scope of choice for preferred services and goods while additionally increasing prices of retailed items. Involvement of Walmart in corporate responsibilities including provision of relief food to Hurricane Katrina victims and association with government in providing healthy foods reflects opponents’ valid concerns (Shaw & Barry, 2015). Consequently, Walmart’s expansion faces legitimate political opposition from locals besides unfair partial market system interference. It is imperative for Walmart to enhance their corporate responsibility concerns to help manage such political oppositions to their genuine

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Week 6 Discussion Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Week 6 Discussion - Personal Statement Example Jobs was of the view that the greater the effort and the longer the time you put out into developing something, the greater will the productivity be. In a 1996 PBS Documentary, Triumph of the Nerds, Jobs said, â€Å"We have always been shameless about stealing great ideas† (Isaac, para.7). Hence, through his utilization of great ideas, he brought a revolution in the world of technology. â€Å"Start it and stick with it; change the world,† was Steve Job’s message to the world (Isaac, para.1). His most important trait was commitment to his work. He stuck with his ambition; and, due to his great efforts, now every single person has a mini-computer in his pocket in the shape of smart phone. Hence, it can be said that Steve Jobs was the most successful leader in the tech world, who invented a myriad of great devices and gadgetry through commitment and determination. He revolutionized the concept of leadership, and introduced such exquisite devices that the world will thank him for

Monday, August 26, 2019

Family Social Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Family Social Science - Essay Example , vividly suggests that while capital and infrastructural destructions are the most obvious costs of conflicts whether internal or external, the long-term development potential of the country’s economy is more severely damaged by increase in fiscal deficit, uncertainty and transactions inefficiency (Carlisle 2010). From this research, it is noticed that different returns to war are experienced in several parts of the country. The regions that were greatly involved in the conflicts are generally lagging behind in terms of development and consumption capabilities (Carlisle 2010). In order to clearly understand the economic, development and social impacts of war in Afghanistan has been in war constantly for a very long time, normally approximated to be over a decade dating back to 1978 when it involved in a great combat with the United States of America. This caused effects on their economy and it is very vital to understand the origin of the wars between the periods of 1978-1992. These wars greatly impacted negatively on their products and produce both in the local and international markets. Like any other war in any part of the world, the social lives of the people were also affected to a large extent it is believed to have commenced after the resignation of the communist president Mohamed Najibullah (Carlisle 2010). From the onset of this war and conflicts, one factor that tends to be very much evident is the negative association between conflict and economic development of the whole country. However, while conflict may lead to poor economic performance, the reverse relationship seems equally credible, and this mostly complicates the analysis of the consequences of war on a country’s development strategies and goals. An economic analysis of the effects of conflicts is discussed below to determine its effects on the economic performance of a country at the micro level years after the war has ceased. The research paper clearly tries to illustrate the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Motivation Concept Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Motivation Concept Analysis - Essay Example Hull states to have observed repeatedly that rats and monkeys perform all kinds of activities that are not drive reducing in nature. Such behaviors tend to have a self-reinforcing effect, caused, for example, by a drive to explore. "Hull produced an algebraic theory of behavior that permitted quantitative predictions about the persistence, vigor and selectivity of action. Hull's theory postulates that behavior is a response to habit and the motivational factor drive. Habits are the product of reinforcement" (Banks and Miller 1997, p. 56). The situations chosen for analysis are high spoilage rates in production and lack of (poor) interpersonal communication between employees. This theory would not be applicable to high spoilage rates in production because it does not take into account external drivers and satisfaction. Work satisfaction would be caused by factors quite different from those leading to job dissatisfaction. Satisfaction results, according to the theory, when a person performs well, carries some responsibility, earns promotion, and receives recognition. Consequently, she or he will experience opportunities for growth. These aspects of the work content are called motivators or intrinsic factors. A neutral or indifferent attitude occurs when one or more intrinsic factors are not more than partly fulfilled or even absent. Dissatisfaction on the other hand is caused by aspects of the work context, such as physical work conditions, social relations, and company policies. When these are not fulfilled, the person gets the experience of being blocked in his/her growth opportunities. Again a neutral or indifferent attitude develops when these factors are adequately present. It is difficult to predict 'persistence, vigor and selectivity of action' among factory workers if they dissatisfied with insensitive schemes and management support (Banks and Miller, 1997). Outcomes actually received provide them with more or less satisfaction, depending among other things on the effort they had to exert and the extent to which outcomes received coincide with what they aspired. This result--the relation between outcomes received and the degree of satisfaction--is fed back to both motive and behavior. High spoilage rates can be caused by low level of skills and knowledge, low level of professionalism and inadequate. A person can be motivated but he/she can feel dissatisfaction caused by lack of skills and training. At the workplace, many activities are not aimed at drive reduction or at achieving homeostasis (Frey and Osterloh, 2001). Hull's theory is not applicable to poor interpersonal communication between employees. Hull admits that motivation stemmed from physiological need deprivation which "drove" organisms to engage in random activity until, by chance, the need is satisfied and the drive is thus reduced. On subsequent occasions, cues in the situation would be recalled so that organisms would take suitable action rather than engage in random trial and error. The difficulty with this theory is that not all motivation stems from physiological needs (e.g., curiosity, self-efficacy). Second, not all need deprivation leads to an increase in drive. Third, partial need satisfaction sometimes leads to increased drive. Finally, organisms, including people, often are

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Financial Health 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Financial Health 2 - Assignment Example ost of care payment is similar to the comprehensive care model in which payment for the full range of health care is given by a specified group for a decided period of time. (Cromwell, J., & Research Triangle Institute. 2011) The false claim act is a statute which provides people who are not with the government to file action can on behalf of the government. It is a federal law also known as â€Å"whistle blowing† that allows people who are not government-affiliated to file claims of fraud against the government. It has been used to investigate many health providers from pharmaceutical companies to health care organizations, hospital, practices, agencies and equipment providers. Through the use of this fraud, government has come across many fraud settlements over the years and has paid big payments who had sued on behalf of the government. This law applies in situations like double billing by providers, refusing to provide medically necessary care etc. A number of federal and state statutes are dealt by the Government in regard to the Medicare fraudulent. The government provides the prosecutor with many options related to health care. Following is a list of possible criminal prosecution: A False Claims act is a government statute under which, any health care provider who presents a false claim or demand regarding any medical services can be held guilty. The prosecutor needs to prove that the provider intentionally false claimed. A False Statement Act imposes liability on a provider if in a communication submitted to the government had false writings or documents. In such a violation the government only needs to prove that the provider knowingly submitted the statement or documents knowing they were false. Anti-kickback act concerns individuals and entities that knowingly make false statements in applying for payments provided by the government and states regarding health care. It also prohibits individuals concealing information of events that claim their

Friday, August 23, 2019

Gratitude for the Gift of Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Gratitude for the Gift of Life - Essay Example A unique aspect of the kingdom Animalia is that we cannot produce our own food and we all must eat other organisms in order to survive. Animals have an instinctive knowing about this phenomenon. We share an intimate relationship with each other as the eaters and the eaten. Animals are intelligent creatures. They are aware of their particular part in the human food chain. Animals make the ultimate gift of their flesh to us, just as all creatures must eventually give away their earthly vessel to someone else. Even humans must succumb to death and give their flesh to the earth itself to nourish the soil and feed the plants. Humans feed the parasites and micro-organisms which consume them posthumously. We must change our perspective on animals. They are not dumb and they are certainly not helpless victims. Animals and humans have engaged in a symbiotic relationship for eons. That relationship is not for anyone to judge, though it is worth investigating. About 80 years ago, a dentist by the name of Weston Price visited pre-westernized indigenous cultures around the globe to study their diets. Wherever he visited, he found that people were eating animals as food in the same manner as their ancestors before them had done for many generations. Together the humans and animals formed a sustainable chain of life. Dr. Price found that there was a direct correlation between meat eating and physical health. The more meat that was eaten by any particular society the healthier the population. One group in particular, the Masai warriors of the Kalahari Desert in Africa live on a diet consisting almost exclusively of fresh cow's blood, milk, and beef. A symbiotic relationship exists between the cows and the Masai, otherwise known as the "lion people". Cows are treated as if they were part of the family. Masai warriors constantly protect the herd of cows from all predators, 24 hours per day and 365 days per year. In return the cows provide food f or the Masai people. Both species have lived peacefully together for countless generations. Cows are an esteemed part of Masai society. The generous Masai gifted the United States with several head of cattle after they found out about the World Trade Center disaster. It is interesting to note that there is a neighboring tribe to the Masai who practice something close to vegetarianism. These nearby villagers eat a diet high in plant protein. The Masai warriors have dominated these people for a very long time since they cannot match the physical prowess of the meat-eaters. Closer to home, the American Indians possessed a deep spiritual relationship with the buffalo. The "White Buffalo Calf Woman" is a special being from the buffalo nation who is the recipient of much thanks and honor in Native American society. She has granted many gifts to the human species besides physical nourishment. Yet that should not diminish the flesh offering from this species. Only by hunting and eating buffalo were the Indians able to survive during the pre-industrial age in North America. The buffalo benefitted from this as well. Human involvement kept the buffalo from over-population which would have thrown the entire ecosystem out of balance. The land has a carrying capacity for any particular species and too many buffalo would cause stress on the environment. The ecosystem is like a finely tuned homeostatic

The Reckless Decade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Reckless Decade - Essay Example Rockefeller. While they amassed wealth for themselves, those at the bottom of the economic heap earned poorly, an account in chapter three given by a journalist, Jacob Riis, which Jane Addams also contributed to. The lords of Chicago and Tammany bosses of New York City corruptibly laid the foundation for a big city government. In the fourth chapter, Brands focuses on the labour movement, giving a description of Eugene Debs’ career, the strike of Pullman and the bizarre incidence involving Coxey’s Army (129). Populism arose due to agricultural depression and immense division on the standard of gold, factors that also promoted the unsuccessful, though democratic presidency bid for William Jennings Bryan. The 1896 Supreme Court ruling of Plessy vs. Ferguson promoted the erosion of black civil rights through acceptance of separate, though equal, measure. The imperialistic country thus found a reason to get involved in Hawaii, the Philippines, Venezuela and Cuba. Thus, Brand s, through this book, gives a vivid narrative of momentous challenges that faced America towards an uncertain future. The author perceives the existence of parallels between the then America and the current one which still faces social, economic, political and technological

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Zero Effect Essay Example for Free

The Zero Effect Essay The Zero Effect Objectives * To choose topic for case study 8th March. * To proposal document 21st March. * To carry out desk research on my chosen topic (Time amp; Date) * To undertake all primary research for 17th April * To create a power point presentation by the 8th of May * To have case study report finished by the end of May. Explanation In this report I am going to write about the advantages and positive effects of size zero models in fashion and on the catwalks and truly give them the credit they deserve. Rationale for Proposal The reason for me choosing and writing about such a controversial topic is because I believe that catwalk models are at the forefront of the fashion industry and are the first to showcase a designer’s creation. I feel that size zero models get a lot of negative press and so do the fashion designers that use zero models in their shows and campaigns. I believe that size zero models should be on every catwalk in the world whether its Prada or Primark simply because you truly get a feel for a garment and you are able to see it in its true glory. I have very strong views on the size zero community within the fashion industry because they don’t get the true publicity that they deserve and in my opinion there is nothing wrong with being size zero or having size zero on the catwalk because at the end of the day â€Å"nothing tastes as good as skinny feels†! SQA Units D0JA11 Introduction to fashion DOJB11 Fashion Merchandising F57L11 – Media: An Introduction to the Media Industry D0XS12 Marketing Research Practice F3GB12 Communications FT8V12 – Branding: An Introduction

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Process of Meiosis | Experiment

Process of Meiosis | Experiment In this experiment we observed the process of meiosis by looking at different slides. Meiosis is a process in which a diploid (2n) parent cell is divided into four haploid (n) daughter cells. The daughter cells have half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell. Meiosis mainly occurs in sex cells (gametes) of humans through the process of spermatogenesis (males) or oogenesis (females). It is essential for sexual reproduction, and thus is seen in all eukaryotes that reproduce sexually. Before the cell undergoes meiosis, it first replicates its DNA. Meiosis includes 2 cycles of division- meiosis I and meiosis II. After meiosis I is completed, DNA is not replicated, which leads to the final daughter cells being haploid (n). The first step of meiosis I is prophase I. During prophase I, DNA can be exchanged between homologous chromosomes by tetrads crossing over, a process referred to as recombination. The new combination of DNA provides for genetic variation for the daughter cells. I n addition, in prophase I, the nuclear envelope disintegrates, and the two centrioles move to opposite ends of the cell. In metaphase I, homologous chromosomes are aligned at the metaphase plate (site where the cell will divide) in pairs. The side at which homologous pairs will lineup is random and further improves the chances for genetic variation. The centrioles attach kinetochore microtubules to the chromosomes, so that they can be pulled apart to the different ends as the cell divides. In anaphase I, the microtubules shorten, pulling the pairs of homologous chromosomes apart from one another. In telophase I, the chromosomes arrive at their respective ends and the cell divides to form two haploid cells. The nuclear membrane is reformed, and the microtubules disappear. The chromosomes uncoil back into chromatin. Note, that even though the first meiotic division led to two haploid cells, each chromosome still contains a pair of sister chromatids. Thus, meiosis II begins without DNA replicating beforehand. The steps in meiosis II are very similar to the ones in meiosis I. In prophase II, the nuclear envelope disintegrates, the centrioles move to the opposite end of the pole, the chromosomes condense and prepare for the second division. In metaphase II, the chromosomes again line up randomly at the plate, but this time independently, not in pairs. The spindle network is formed is also formed. In anaphase II, the sister chromatids are pulled apart and move toward the opposite ends of the pole. Lastly, in telophase II, the cells are cleaved and the nuclear envelope reappears. The chromosomes uncoil and the end result is 4 haploid daughter cells. In spermatogenesis, the 4 daughter cells are the spermatids. However, in oogenesis, even though 4 haploid daughter cells are created, 3 are polar bodies, while the last is an ootid (egg), which might be fertilized by a spermatid. During fertilization (when the spermatid and ootid join), the number of chromosomes reverts b ack to 2n (diploid). The random alignment and crossing over are very important to the process of meiosis because they provide for greater genotypic diversity. However, if the chromosomes are not able to separate, several errors can arise. Klinefelter and Turner syndromes are due to nondisjunction, during which there is an extra X chromosome present in males, or missing an X chromosome in females, respectively (Russell, 346-349). We also observed the life cycle of the insect drosophila. We will be experimenting on them in the coming weeks. This insect serves as a great experimental organism in the field of genetics due to its short, unique life cycle, and since Mendels laws of inheritance (law of segregation, law of independent assortment) are clearly visible when they mate. The law of segregation states that when any individual produces gametes, the copies of a gene separate so that each gamete receives only one copy. The law of independent assortment states that alleles of differen t genes assort independently from each other during gamete formation. The purpose of this experiment was to familiarize ourselves with the process of meiosis and the insect drosophila, as we will be working with them in future experiments. We used slides from human testis, rat testis, and chorthippus testis, to compare the process of meiosis in different eukaryotes. I predict that I will be able to see the stages of prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase in the slides. Hypothesis: I believe that the process of meiosis will be the same in all three eukaryotes, and I will be able to view the cells differentiating. I should be able to see the different structures of the insects and be able to distinguish male and female drosophilas based on their appearance. I believe that I will be able to witness the different stages of meiosis in the slides. Methods: Obtain the slides and the compound light microscope from the instructor. Place the first slide on the stage of the microscope (the microscope should be on the lowest power- 40x) and use the coarse adjustment knob to focus the slide. Turn to the next highest power (100x), and this time, use only the fine adjustment knob to bring the slide into focus. Turn the microscope to the 400x power, and again focus the slide. Sketch what you see on a separate sheet of paper and label the different structures. Before moving on to the oil immersion power, put a little drop of oil in the middle of the slide. Focus the image under oil immersion and sketch the results once again. After youre done sketching the slide, lower the stage and put the microscope back to the lowest power (CAUTION: be careful not to get oil on the 400x power when turning the objectives as this will ruin the lens). Repeat these steps for the rest of the slides (NOTE: for the drosophila male and female slide, the lowest power, 40x, is good enough to get a good overview). The slides we viewed were: chorthippus testis, generalized animal cell, human chromosome (metaphase state), turtle liver mitochondria, drosophila chromosome, drosophila (male and female), rat testis, and human testis. At the end of the experiment, clean all the slides that have oil on them, wipe the oil immersion lens, and return the materials to the instructor. Results: Questions: 1. What major chromosomal event occurs between leptonema and zygonema? Between leptonema and zygonema, the major chromosomal event that occurs is the pairing of the homologous chromosomes. 2. Do any of the chromosomes at zygonema appear to consist of two parallel parts? How do you account for this appearance? Yes, chromosomes at zygonema appear to consist of two parallel parts, which is probably due to the paired homologues. 3. Consult your textbook for a definition of the term chromomere. Can you detect chromomeres in any of the meiotic cells you are examining? At what substages of prophase I are chromomeres evident? Chromomeres are dark regions of chromatin condensation. Yes, you can detect chromomeres in meitotic cells; they are usually seen in zygonema of prophase I. 4. Do you observe a large, darkly staining structure in the nucleus during leptonema and zygonema? This body represents an already highly condensed (heterochromatic) X chromosome. Can you follow the fate of this chromosome through the rest of the substages of prophase I and metaphase I? Yes, it should be possible to follow the fate of this chromosome through the rest of the substages of prophase I and metaphase I. This X chromosome will not align with the rest of the chromosomes at the metaphase plate and will be near one end of the splitting cell or the other. 5. Briefly list major differences between zygonema and pachynema. At zygonema, the chromosomes are much less condensed than those at pachynema. Crossing over occurs at pachynema. The number of chromosomes can be determined at pachynema, but not at zygonema. 6. Locate cells in diplonema. Can you observe a) the two homologous chromosomes in a pair? b) individual chromatids in a chromosome? c) chiasmata? a) Yes, the homologous chromosomes in pairs are visible. b) Yes, the chromatids are also visible, since the chromosomes at this stage are much coiled. c) Yes, the chiasmata is visible, it is the point where the pair of homologous chromosomes exchange genetic material. 7. Because of the degree of condensation of the chromosomes, diakinesis is an ideal stage at which to determine the chromosome number. Count the chromosomes in a grasshopper cell at diakinesis. Record the number here. Does this represent the diploid number? Justify your answer. Note that sex in grasshoppers is determined by an XO mechanism in which the female is XX, but the male has a single X chromosome. Therefore, the X chromosome that you observe in diakinesis is not a tetrad. What is the significance of this information for determining chromosome number in grasshopper males versus females? Since grasshopper males are missing an X chromosome, to find their diploid number of chromosomes, one would have to count the haploid number (n), double it (2n), but then subtract 1, since it is missing an X chromosome. In females, the subtraction will not be necessary; they will always have double their haploid number of chromosomes (example- if haploid number equals 14 chromosomes, male diploid number will equal (2n-1 = 28-1) 27 chromosomes, while the females will have 28 chromosomes in a diploid cell). 8. Observe several cells in metaphase I. Do you notice a chromosome in an unusual position with respect to the other chromosomes in the cell? What chromosome might this be? Yes, this chromosome could be the X or Y chromosome. 9. Can you find cells in other stages of meiosis or sperm differentiation? If so, briefly describe their appearance and state what stages you think they might be. Yes, it is possible to find other stages of meiosis. In metaphase, the chromosomes are lined up at the metaphase plate. In anaphase, the chromosomes are being pulled apart, and in telophase the cells should be separating via cytokinesis. Conclusion: The process of meiosis is very complicated, but is necessary for sexual reproduction. There are five substages of prophase I in meiosis. Prophase I is the most important stage in meiosis, since this is the stage where crossing over occurs between homologous pairs of chromosomes, which is essential for genetic variation. The first substage is leptonema where chromosomes begin to condense into long strands and begin to look for their homologous pair. In the second substage, zygonema, the chromosomes have found their pairs. The third substage, pachynema, is where crossing over occurs. In addition, the chromosomes are condensed enough so that one can count the number of chromosomes. In the fourth substage, diplonema, portions of the chromosome begin to separate, and the chiasmata (the site where crossing over takes place) is made visible. The last stage, diakenisis, is where the nucleoli disappears, the nuclear membrane disintegrates, and the four tetrads of a pair of homologous chromoso mes are clearly visible (the chromosomes are fully condensed) (Meiosis Prophase I). When looking at the drosophilas, males were easily distinguishable from females. Males were smaller in size compared to the females. The end of the male was more rounded, while the female was pointier. Females had more of a striped pattern on their ends, while males have black as the dominant color. Lastly, males have a sex comb at the joint of each front leg (males also have a penis) (Hammersmith Mertens, 5). In the generalized animal cell, I was able to identify the nucleus and the nuclear envelope. In the human chromosome slide of metaphase, the chromosomes were lined up, which means they were about to be separated. In the human, rat and chorthippus testis, I had a difficult time identifying the different cell types, or cells in different phases of meiosis. Meiosis is an essential process, and if an error occurs, the consequences could be lethal.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Gate Control Theory Of Pain Health And Social Care Essay

Gate Control Theory Of Pain Health And Social Care Essay OA knee pain prevalence, cost to NHS etc. Physio treatment of neck painà ¢Ã¢â‚¬  Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ electro modalities, esp TENS Pain is something that everyone suffers with at one time or another. Pain can be a huge burden on employers due to absenteeism (White et al, 2005). There are many methods used to relive pain with TENS being one method. Having completed a review of current literature, it is clear that the application of tens has a significant effect on the pressure pain threshold of a subject, however no study to date has researched the effects the positioning of the TENS being applied has on the pressure pain threshold. Therefore this study has the aim of investigating whether the positioning of the electrodes at the nerve root level will affect the pressure pain threshold of the relevant dermatomal area giving rationale for the use of TENS as a pain reliving modality for injuries to the extremities. Literature Review 4k Literature Search This research is investigating the effect of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation at a nerve root has on the pressure pain threshold at the periphery in relation to osteoarthritis of the knee. A review of the current literature was conducted using the following databases: PubMed, ScienceDirect, MetaLib (Cardiff Universitys Electronic Resources) and Google Scholar for journals dated 1982-2012. The main key words used in the search included, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, pain, osteoarthritis, knee, and periphery. Backchaining was also used to ensure all relevant literature was obtained. Introduction Osteoarthritis a very common joint disorder occurring in any joint but most commonly in the hip, knee, the joints of the hand and foot, and spine (Symmons et al. 2003). It mostly affects those aged 60 and over with approximately 40% of people over the age of 65 suffering symptoms associated with knee OA (Zhang et al., 2008) resulting in globally nearly 250 million people having osteoarthritis of the knee, 3.6% of the population (Vos et al. 2012). This resulted in osteoarthritis becoming the fourth leading cause of disability in the year 2000 (Symmons et al. 2003) and costing the NHS a total of 25 million pounds in 2008 (NICE 2008) Arthritis knee Osteoarthritis of the knee is a chronic degenerative disorder with a multifactorial aetiology (Felson, 2000). This includes general factors; such as age, sex and obesity, mechanical factors; such as alignment and trauma (cooper et al. 2000) and genetic factors (Reginato et al. 2002). Osteoarthritis of the knee is characterised by both loss of articular cartilage and by central and marginal new bone formation (subchondral sclerosis, osteophytes) (Woolf and Pfleger, 2003). There is also often thickening of the capsule and low grade synovitis resulting in alterations in biomechanics of the joint. Osteoarthritis affects the whole joint with secondary changes including ligament laxity due to articular cartilage loss and muscle weakness around the joint due to disuse respectively (Felson 2000). Osteoarthritis of the knee is associated with pain, joint stiffness and deformity, which in turn lead to limitations of daily activities for sufferers. Although there is currently no cure available, there are a number of treatment options open to sufferers to provide symptomatic relief, as well as joint function improvements. There are many non- pharmacological treatment options available such as education, rehabilitation exercises, manual therapies, acupuncture and electro-modalities such as TENS. There is also a wide range of pharmacological measures available, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, oral analgesia and topical treatments. Pharmacological treatments also include intra-articular modalities such as injections of corticosteroid and hyaluronic acid and tidal irrigation to reduce symptoms. In severe cases, where nonsurgical interventions have failed, more invasive approaches may be needed (Cooper et al 2000) including therapeutic arthroscopy and joint replacement. Models of Pain Pain something that the medical profession aims to alleviate in all patients suffering from it. In order to do this an understanding of the function of pain is needed as well as knowledge of the physiological processes the cause pain. Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage (Bonica 1979). It serves as a stimulus to motivate an individual to cease or withdraw form damaging or potential damaging situations, or to protect a damaged body part during the healing process (Winlow et al. 1984). There are three main models of pain, the cognitive-behavioral model of pain, the gate control theory of pain and the neuromatrix theory of pain. Gate control theory of pain The gate control theory suggests there is a neurological gate in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord (Melzack and Wall 1967). This gate either blocks pain signals or allows them to continue to the brain. This gate in the spinal cord differentiates between the types of fibers carrying pain signals. Pain signals travelling down the larger C nerve fibers are blocked whereas pain signals travelling done the smaller a-delta nerve fibers are allowed to pass through and therefore continue up to the brain where the pain can be perceived (cord (Melzack and Wall 1967). This gating mechanism is influenced by descending nerve impulses from the brain in response to ascending pain stimuli. Cognitive behavioral theory of pain The cognitive behavioural pain theory explores the perception of pain by relating it to more than just the physical and physiological attributes of the pain mechanism, and explores the predisposing and perpetuating factors as well as the psycho-social aspects involved in pain perception (Letham et al. 1983). This model explains why some individuals continue to experience pain after trauma has healed, or display a pain response disproportionate to the original condition. The theory states that the perception of pain is influenced by predisposing factors such as personality, coping style and previous history of illness, as well as perpetuating factors such as behaviour, emotions, and physical symptoms (Letham et al. 1983). This explains why some individuals suffer with continued pain after the original injury has resolved and are driven by fear of further pain leading to increasingly restricted activities despite the original injury being resolved, exhibit a maladaptive avoidance response. While other will experience very little pain in situations that would otherwise be excruciating, for example soldiers in battle (Letham et al. 1983) Neuromatrix theory of pain The pain neuromatrix theory is a development of the gate control theory of pain. A widespread distribution of neurons imprint a neurosignature upon nerve impulse patterns that pass through the sensory matrix (Melzack 2001). This neurosignature creates the experience of self and gives subsets of patterns that give unique experiences such as pain. The perception of pain in the brain would be as the end result of an activation of the pain neuromatrix with a characteristic pattern relating to the pain signature (Melzack 2001). This is part of a multi system response to a perceived threat. However there are many other inputs that can trigger the pain neuromatrix in the brain including movement, touch, fear and visual stimuli (Melzack 2001). This is due to the fact that the widespread neurons which make up the neuromatrix for pain perception are involved in many other activities so the pattern for pain perception can be triggered by other groups of neuromatirx being active during other activities not purely the pain neuromatrix Pain and pathways There are four basic processes involved in nociception(processing of pain), Transduction, transmission, perception and modulation (McCaffery and Pasero, 1999). Transduction begins when nociceptors (free nerve endings) of either the A-delta fibres or C fibres of the primary afferent neurones respond to noxious stimuli. A noxious stimulai occurs when tissue is damaged and inflation occurs. The nociceptors are found in the somatic structures (skin, muscles, and joints) as well as the visceral structures (organs such as gastro-intestinal tract or the liver). (Wood 2008) Although both the C fibre and A-delta fibres are Primary afferent fibres they have different cell structures and are associated with different pain qualities (table 1). Table 1: Characteristics and functions of C fibres and A-delta fibres (Farquhar-Smith 2007) C fibres A-delta fibres Characteristics: Small diameter Unmyelinated Slow conducting Receptor type: Polymodal: respond to more than one type of noxious stimuli: Mechanical Thermal Chemical Pain quality: Diffuse Dull Burning Aching Referred to as slow or second pain Characteristics: Large diameter Myelinated Fast conducting Receptor type: High-threshold mechanoreceptors: respond to mechanical stimuli over a certain intensity. Pain quality: Well-localised Sharp Stinging Pricking Referred to as fast or first pain There are three stages to the transmission of pain; first the impulse is transmitted from the site of transduction along the nociceptor fibres (first order neurons) to the dorsal horn, in the spinal cord, where both C fibre and A delta fibres terminate. In the dorsal horn they synapse with the second order neurons and which then cross the spinal cord via the anterior white commissure and ascend to the thalamus via the two main nociceptive ascending pathways. These are the spinoparabrachial pathway and the spinothalamic pathway. The thalamus then directs the nervous impulse to multiple areas of the cortex and higher brain for processing as there is not a discrete pain centre (Wood 2008). The end result of the pain transmission is the perception of pain. This is where pain becomes a conscious and multidimensional experience with affective-motivational, sensory-discriminative, emotional and behavioural components. When painful stimuli are transmitted to the brain stem and thalamus, three main cortical areas are activated, the reticular system, the somatosensory cortex, and the limbic system, each one is responsible for a different response to the pain stimuli. (McCaffery and Pasero, 1999) The reticular system is responsible for the autonomic and motor response to pain, for example, automatically withdrawing from a painful stimulus. It also plays a role in the affective-motivational response to pain, such as assessing an injury after pain has occurred. The somatosensory cortex is involved with the interpretation and perception of sensations. It identifies the location, type and intensity of the pain sensation and relates this sensation to past experiences before triggering a response. The limbic system is responsible for the behavioural and emotional response to pain as well as past experiences of pain. The modulation of pain involves altering or inhibiting the transmission of pain impulses in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. The complex pathways involved in the modulation of pain are called the descending modulatory pain pathways (Ossipov et al. 2010). These pathways can lead to either an excitatory response (an increase in the transmission of pain impulses) or an inhibitory response (a decrease in transmission of pain impulses). Descending inhibition produces an analgesic effect by causing the release of inhibitory neurotransmitters which partially or completely block the transmission of pain impulses in the spinal cord (Ossipov et al. 2010). Endogenous pain modulation helps to explain the wide variations in the perception of pain in different people as individuals produce different amounts of inhibitory neurotransmitters. Endogenous opioids are found throughout the central nervous system (CNS) and prevent the release of some excitatory neurotransmitters, for example, substance P, therefore, inhibiting the transmission of pain impulses. Physiotherapy and treatment of Pain Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) papers on TENS and Pain (critical review of the literature) Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is an electro therapy procedure the aim of which is pain relief. During treatment a low amplitude and frequency alternating electric current is passed between two electrodes placed on the body resulting in stimulation of the nervous system. Research will be reviewed examining the theory that TENS is an effective pain reliving modality. Previous studies by Chesterton et al (2002, 2003) Vance et al (2012) and Chen et al (2010) have all shown TENS to be an effective form of pain relief against blunt pressure pain with. All however have used different parameters for both the TENS settings and application sites. All of the previous studies looked at found TENS to be an effective method of pain relief based on pressure pain threshold measurement. Both of Chestertons and Vances studies found a statistically significant increase in pressure pain threshold after a twenty minute application of TENS (p=0.005, p=0.01, and p=0.002 respectively). Chen also found a significant difference in post TENS of p= Vance was the only study to look at other forms of pain measurement s outcome measures, as well as the use of a pressure pin threshold measure similar to the other studies a cutaneous mechanical pain threshold measure using Von Frey filaments and heat pain threshold measure were also used. Although using these additional outcome measures to assess the effectiveness of TEN as a pain reliving modality it was only the pressure pain threshold measure that yielded a significantly change. Therefore the results of the study can still only be extrapolated to the pressure pain reliving abilities of TENS and no other forms of pain. Both Vance and Chen explored the differences between the frequencies TENS applied. Chen uses 3Hz for low frequency and 80Hz for high frequency. Vance does not specify the actual frequency used and only states high and low frequency Tens was used with the definition of High frequency TENS >50Hz and Low frequency TENS In Chestertons 2002 also explored the differences between the frequencies of TENS applied using 4Hz as the low frequency and 110Hz as the high frequency. The results were similar to Chen with the high frequency TENS proving a more affective pain reliving modality of TENS. All three studies have good internal reliability, the same experimenter was used for every measurement, and standardised testing procedures were used. The rate of application of the algometer was kept constant when measuring the pressure pain threshold and the same point was used on each subject for the measurement. Chen and Vance, however, relied sole on the skill and consistence of the experimenter to ensure the pressure pin threshold reading was taken in the same manner for every subject. Chestertons studies used a special mounting frame for the algometer to ensure that it was perpendicular to the skin and that the rate of application was constant. This improved the internal reliability of the study as each subject will have had the reading taken in exactly the same way. Chesterton and Chen both use healthy volunteers as the subjects in their studies. Both studies have a good sample size with an equal distribution of males and females. Chen subjects have a small age range (mean  ± SD, age 26.7  ± 2.9 years) which is not representative of the population. Chestertons sample has a much larger are range (mean  ± SD, age 30 ± 7 years, range 18-57 years) which is a far closer representation of the general population and makes the extrapolation and application of the results more reliable. However both of these studies, due to only using healthy subjects, cannot be reliable extrapolated to apply to people who are not healthy. Therefore it cannot reliably be said that anyone suffering with a painful condition, be it degenerative, trauma, or surgical, will benefit from the application of high frequency TENS or that it will reduce their pain. It can only reliable be said that it will reduce the pain perceived in healthy individuals. This however is add ressed by Vance, although using smaller sample size than Chesterton all of the subjects used in the study all had a diagnosis of medial compartment osteoarthritis of the knee. Unlike the other studies Vance did not have an equal split of male to female subjects (29 male 46 female), however by using a stratified randomisation process it was ensure that each experimental group had the same ratio of male to female subjects. Therefore unlike the other studies Vances results can be reliably extrapolated to apply to a population with a diagnosis of medial compartment osteoarthritis of the knee, and high frequency TENS can be reliably used as a pain reliving modality. Random allocation of groups Not all subjects tens naive Blinding All have good baseline comparability between groups. Chen Good base line A paired t-test on this data found no significant differences (mean + SD = -1.50  ± 5.65N,  P  = .143) Chesterton 2002 Good basleine similar This was confirmed by a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) for pre-treatment mean MPT (P 0:19 Chesterton 2003 Good One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed no significant differences in PPT, between the groups at baseline (p 0:142) Vance Bad not equal gender split 29 male 46 femle. But good that same ration in each group. Good There were no significant differences between groups in demographic characteristics, with the exception of body mass indexes (P.027). Algomiter reliability Aim(s) Hypothesis (hypotheses) Does High-TENS affect pressure pain threshold (PPT) at the periphery? Null Hypothesis: There will be no difference in the pressure pain threshold between the control group and experimental group. Methods Design This study was an experimental repeated measures clinical trial. The independent variable being assessed was transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. The dependent variable was Pressure pain threshold. The study included 20 people who had no previous history of knee pain and had not previously experienced TENS. Subjects attended two sessions with a 48 hour interval. In the first session subjects were given a placebo TENS and in the second a single high frequency TENS treatment. Outcome measurements were obtained before and during each treatment. Ethical approval for the study was granted by the University Ethics Committee (Cardiff University, 2012). Participants A convenience sample of 20 subjects from Cardiff University School of Healthcare was used. The inclusion criteria consisted of being a healthy subject. Subjects were screened for relevant contraindications and exclusion criteria including: pacemakers, heart disease or arrhythmias, undiagnosed pain, epilepsy, peripheral neuropathy (Fox and Sharp, 2007), history of trauma or surgery to the dominant leg in the last 6 months, medication, history of pregnancy or knowledge or use of TENS treatment (Chesterton et al., 2002). No subjects were excluded. The experimental procedure was explained to each subject who then signed a consent form witnessed by an independent person (Appendix 4). At the first session, subjects were assessed for bilateral recognition of sharp versus dull pressure at the L3 dermatome to rule out loss of sensation. Ethics Ethical approval was obtained from The School of Healthcare Studies Ethics committee Cardiff University and a single blind experiment using repeated measures was used. A risk assessment was carried out for the pilot and data collection assess risk to the subjects and the investigator using the standard risk assessment method of the cardiff university Physiotherapy department. The risk is quantified by the Risk Rating Number which is calculated by multiplying the probable frequency by the potential severity. For this research the probable frequency is unlikley scoring two and the potential severity is negligible scoring one (appendix 1). The Risk Rating number is two which requires no further action (Cardiff Univeirsity 2012). Individuals with a history of knee pain were excluded, reducing the likelihood of physical injury to the subjects during the PPT measurement process. In the event of an injury subjects would be withdrawn from the study and appropriate medical advice would be sought. The privacy and dignity of the subjects during electrode placement was ensured by using screens, and gaining informed consent before exposing the skin on the back. The information sheet given to the subjects (Appendix 3) informed them of what the study involved, and that the results would be analysed as part of this research project. Subjects were informed they were free to withdraw from the study at any time. All data was confidential and anonymous. All data stored on a computer was and password protected and anonymous. Pilot study A pilot study was conducted on 3 subjects not included in the main study prior to data collection. This was to ensure that the method to be used was satisfactory and to allow researcher to familiarize themselves with the equipment. It also allowed the researcher to estimate the time required, allowing appropriate time slots to be set. Another reason for the pilot study to be carried out was to expose any unforeseen errors or limitations in the design protocol allowing modification as necessary (Jenkins et al, 1998). The pilot study highlighted variations in subject foot placement in sitting, in turn effecting the knee positioning needed for a PPT reading to be taken. It was therefore decided to give subjects the following verbal command on how to sit, sit with your feet flat on the floor and your knees at ninety degrees, to minimize variance in knee position. The rest of the method was deemed sufficient and no further changes were made. Apparatus The pressure pain threshold was assessed using a handheld pressure algometer (Algometer commander, Jtech medical, United States) with a flat circular metal tip measuring 1.1 cm in diameter. The force was displayed digital in increments of 0.1N and applied at a rate of at 5N/s (Chesterton et al 2002). The subjects were instructed to say stop when the sensation first became painful. A practice test was first performed on the non-dominant knee to familiarize subjects with the procedure. The use of a pressure algometer for measuring pressure pain threshold has excellent test-retest reliability (r.70-94) (Fischer, 1987), and is a valid measure for deep-tissue hyperalgesia as discussed by Staud et al. (2007) Electrical stimulation was generated via a commercially available a dual channel, TENS unit (200 plus, TPN), the unit uses an asymmetrical, biphasic waveform. The pulse width was set at 50 microseconds and the frequency 150Hz, and the intensity was increased to the subjects verbal report of when the feeling became strong but still comfortable. Procedure. Before taking part in the study, all subjects were given an information sheet (appendix 3) explaining research study and what would be expected from them if they participate and completed a consent form (Appendix 4). Subjects came in on two separate occasions 48 hours apart; once for the control trial (sham TENS) and once for the application of TENS. In the first session demographic data was obtained, which included age and gender. A standard sharp/blunt discrimination test was performed, using neurotip at each stimulation site, to ensure intact skin sensation. The skin was then cleaned using an alcohol wipe before the application of electrodes (Chesterton et al., 2003). Two TENS electrodes were then placed over the L3 spinal level. Each electrode was placed over the L3 Spinal nerve root the location of which was found by palpating to the L3 spinal level (Rhoades et al. 2009). The first electrode was positioned 10mm to the left of the L3 spinal process with the second positioned 10mm to the right. The center of each the electrode was placed level with the inferior aspect of the L3 spinal process (figure 1). Experimenter 1 was responible soley for the electrode psoiting nd TENS application to ensure internal reliability. Figure 1 Subjects were seated in a comfortable upright position with feet flat on the floor. The position of the pressure pain reading was then marked bilaterally. This was done by measuring 30mm superior to the central aspect of the superior border of the patella in flexion (figure 2). Experimenter 2 was responsible solely for the positioning of the pressure pain reading and the algometer application to ensure internal reliability. Figure 2 A practice pressure pain measurement was then performed on the subjects non dominant side with subjects instructed to say stop when the sensation first became painful. At this point the experimenter immediately retracted the algometer. (Chesterton et al. 2003) This process was then repeat three times at 30 second intervals on the dominant side to establish a base line figure (Vance et al 2012). The Tens machine was then turned on and the intensity increased to the subjects verbal report of when the feeling became strong but still comfortable. For the sham TENS subjects were told that some forms of TENS were imperceptible and, they might not feel any sensation. The battery in the TENS unit was inserted the wrong way round. The unit was still visibly switched on and the intensity turned up, but no current was flowing (Chesterton et al 2003). A 30 minute timer was started as soon as the intensity was correctly adjusted. When the 30 minute time period had elapsed three further pressure pain threshold readings were taken again at 30 second intervals on the dominant side to a post treatment figure. Once these reading were taken the TENS machine was turned off and the electrodes removed. Subjects were monitored for a further 30 min after the end of the stimulation period (Chesterton et al 2002). Subjects returned for the second session 48 hours later. Data Analysis All data was entered into Windows Excel version 2010 Descriptive analysis was carried out using means, standard deviations this was presented as tables and graphs. The data was then entered into SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 20.0). The data was interval ratio and the study investigated one group of subjects. A paired t-test was conducted to compare the percentage change in pressure pain threshold between the control and high TENS conditions. A statistical significance level of 95% (p Results The demographic data can be seen in Table 1. The following tables and graphs present both descriptive and statistical analysis of the pressure pain threshold data. All SPSS outputs can be seen in appendix 5 and raw algometer data can be seen in Appendix 6. Table 1: Demographic Characteristics of Sample N minimum maximum mean S.D Age 20 19 23 19.95 1.09904 Key: N = Number of subjects S.D = Standard Deviation A small standard deviation is seen for the age of subjects in Table 1. The male to female ratio was 1:1 with 10 female subjects and 10 male subjects. All subjects met the inclusion and exclusion criteria, and all were able to complete the study. Discussion There are two primary and related theories for explaining the efficacy of TENS in chronic or acute pain relief. The gate theory (Wall, 1965 (Melzack R, Wall P. Pain mechanisms: a new theory. Science. 150(699):971-979,1965)) proposes that pain transmission relies on a gate to the thalamus and cortex for nocireceptive information to be interpreted as pain. This theory postulates that inhibition of nocireceptors can be caused by rapid impulse activation of myelinated nerve fibers. The second related theory postulates that neurotransmitter exhaustion can be caused by rapid nerve activation outside of its refractory period, and that the temporary exhaustion of neurotransmitters would provide pain relief until such time as neurotransmitter synthesis had refilled the synaptic junctions (Kaye, 2007(Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation: WebMD eMedicine. January 26, 2007)). Limitations Clinical Implications Further research Conclusion

Monday, August 19, 2019

Baseball’s Freedom Fighter :: Essays Papers

Baseball’s Freedom Fighter The 1960’s were a decade of upheaval. Outcry spilled out into the streets as angry demonstrators protested against the Vietnam War; Civil Rights marches occupied a segregated South; and the Black Power movement swept through the Negro community with persuasive authority. In the midst of all of this social change stood one man, St. Louis Cardinal’s centerfielder Curt Flood. Fueled by the turmoil of his times, Flood started his own social movement, a one-man struggle for freedom on the baseball diamond. Flood an accomplished baseball player had endured twelve years in the Major Leagues, a victim of unwarranted discrimination in a still racist nation. In 1969, Flood became a pioneer, making an historic decision that ended his baseball career at the age of 31. Against the advice of the Major League Baseball’s Players Union, Flood refused to accept his trade to the Philadelphia Phillies after the end of the 1969 season. When Baseball Commissioner Bowie Kuhn r efused to let him out of baseball’s reserve clause, which allowed for a player to be traded without his consent and made it impossible for a player to choose to play for another team, Flood took his case all the way to the Supreme Court (Ashe 61). When the case finally made its way through the courts system, Flood’s playing career was lost but a whole new era of baseball had begun. Flood stands as the pivotal figure that changed the balance of power in the game. The story of Curt Flood is one of tragic sacrifice and poignant courage. It is the story of a ball player giving up the game he loved for nothing more than a principle. Flood’s famous â€Å"I am a Man,† statement illustrated his belief that baseball was treating him unfairly (Burns, The Eighth Inning). Flood also penned these thoughts in a letter he sent to Kuhn on Christmas Eve of 1969, writing, â€Å"I do not feel that I am a piece of property to be bought and sold irrespective of my wishes† (Burns, The Eighth Inning). Craving the freedom to choose what team he played for, Flood would not accept the notion that he had no control over his own destiny as a baseball player. Flood however, stood alone in his fight. At his court hearing no active baseball player would testify on his behalf. Baseball’s Freedom Fighter :: Essays Papers Baseball’s Freedom Fighter The 1960’s were a decade of upheaval. Outcry spilled out into the streets as angry demonstrators protested against the Vietnam War; Civil Rights marches occupied a segregated South; and the Black Power movement swept through the Negro community with persuasive authority. In the midst of all of this social change stood one man, St. Louis Cardinal’s centerfielder Curt Flood. Fueled by the turmoil of his times, Flood started his own social movement, a one-man struggle for freedom on the baseball diamond. Flood an accomplished baseball player had endured twelve years in the Major Leagues, a victim of unwarranted discrimination in a still racist nation. In 1969, Flood became a pioneer, making an historic decision that ended his baseball career at the age of 31. Against the advice of the Major League Baseball’s Players Union, Flood refused to accept his trade to the Philadelphia Phillies after the end of the 1969 season. When Baseball Commissioner Bowie Kuhn r efused to let him out of baseball’s reserve clause, which allowed for a player to be traded without his consent and made it impossible for a player to choose to play for another team, Flood took his case all the way to the Supreme Court (Ashe 61). When the case finally made its way through the courts system, Flood’s playing career was lost but a whole new era of baseball had begun. Flood stands as the pivotal figure that changed the balance of power in the game. The story of Curt Flood is one of tragic sacrifice and poignant courage. It is the story of a ball player giving up the game he loved for nothing more than a principle. Flood’s famous â€Å"I am a Man,† statement illustrated his belief that baseball was treating him unfairly (Burns, The Eighth Inning). Flood also penned these thoughts in a letter he sent to Kuhn on Christmas Eve of 1969, writing, â€Å"I do not feel that I am a piece of property to be bought and sold irrespective of my wishes† (Burns, The Eighth Inning). Craving the freedom to choose what team he played for, Flood would not accept the notion that he had no control over his own destiny as a baseball player. Flood however, stood alone in his fight. At his court hearing no active baseball player would testify on his behalf.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Tension in Witchs Money Essay -- Witchs Money Essays

Tension in Witch's Money  Ã‚   In John Collier's "Witch's Money," the stranger who suddenly appears in a remote mountain village in Spain is initially seen by Foiral as an unwelcome madman. Certainly his surrealist description of the landscape must seem a symptom of insanity to one unfamiliar with the trends of modern art. Once he offers a nice sum of money to buy Foiral's house, however, the stranger is treated with a new attitude. He is still not completely accepted by the community that he has moved into, but he does wield a new type of power simply because only he can produce cash from paper billets. With his magic cheques, though, the stranger creates a tension that grows into an economic struggle between himself and his community. Even worse, the stranger unknowingly creates a conflict among the natives of the town who have been a united group. Ultimately, because of the power that the "witch's" money brings into this community, the people of the town -- once happy and content -- are destroyed, and so is the community as a whole. Despite his unconventional art, this stranger is a misbegotten missionary for the decadent values of Western civilization, and with his money he brings the disease of capitalism to the innocent village. One of the first signs of a struggle between the stranger and the community arises when the villagers voice their suspicions about him. They seem to think that the stranger is fabricating details in order to hide a secret perhaps. For example, Arago points out that the stranger claims to have "[come] from Paris" but also "that he was an American" (67). The fact that the stranger has no relations adds to the town's suspicions. More importantly, though, Foiral and the town are skeptical about t... ...e to him'" (75). Thus, at the end of the story the townsfolk laugh at Guis as they march to the bank to demand their money. Guis, they believe, has nothing while they have a remarkable treasure in cheques. Little do they know that disaster awaits when they demand payment for their blank cheques. When their demand is refused, their little town will no longer be happy and content. Moreover, their attempt to cash the cheques will lead to the discovery of the artist's murder and the ruin of the village. The doors of prison will swing shut upon them as quickly as the doors of the bank do. But in reality the village has already been ruined, its innocence destroyed by the capitalistic power of witch's money. Works Cited Collier, John. "Witch's Money." 1939. Short Story Masterpieces. Ed. Robert Penn Warren and Albert Erskine. New York: Dell, 1958. 61-75. Â